We are a body of born again believers who have committed ourselves to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and by mutual covenant to each other as a local church, functioning under the authority and direction of Christ through his Word and Spirit.
We are committed to following Christ in life:
- By growing in grace, in knowledge and in love through an ever deepening faith and trust in God.
- By worshiping God individually, in families, and as an assembled body.
- By walking in loving obedience to the whole counsel of God as revealed in the Bible.
- By seeking to build each other up by speaking the truth in love to each other with both words of affirmation and correction.
- By encouraging the use of the God-given gifts present in the church for the growth and maturity of the body.
- By opening our hearts and church to the community, calling others into a life of discipleship.
- By supporting and engaging in the advancement of the kingdom of Christ on new frontiers.
- By developing strong family units that will be strong cells within the body.
- By ministering to the children and youth in the church , teaching and training them in the ways of Christ; and providing an environment that encourages growth and maturity.
- By striving toward our ultimate goal of being changed into the image of Christ.
We follow without apology our Anabaptist heritage, upholding the Dortrecht Confession of Faith, as well as the more recent update of the Eighteen Articles of Faith as recorded in our church handbook.